Just a personal note.
This morning the picture that’s stuck in my mind is what it must have been like when the doors were shut to Noah’s Ark. The chosen were invited in at the right time and saved from God’s wrath. All the others who were left behind must have experienced confusion, intense fear, panic, and possibly regret before they died, mostly by drowning as the waters quickly rose and violent torrents of mud and debris swept people away like the Christmas Tsunami of 2004.
In his mercy, God’s wrath will not be fully unleashed again until half way through the Tribulation Week, at the 3 1/2 year mark. The first half of this period is marked by a false, non-lasting peace under the reign of the world’s new ruler and is an opportunity for people to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus so they can face death boldly and confidently that no matter what, Jesus is there for them, forever.
Soon, at the right time, the trumpet will sound and doors of Heaven will be open for God’s chosen to enter in, to be sheltered in safety from the coming storm like Noah and his family. The doors will open for a fraction of a second, in the twinkling of an eye. Then the doors will shut.
The bridegroom came, and those who were ready WENT IN with him to the wedding; and the DOOR was SHUT. Matthew 25:10
Always BE READY.
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