The latest?
With the Iraq war over and elections less than a year and a half away the liberal media is already full swing into politicizing the news. For example, its only been a few months but President Bush is catching a lot of flak because no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq yet. So what!?! Who decided that a couple of months was enough time to search a country the size of California?
Appearances aren’t everything. As I understand it, just a week ago Ariel Sharon used the phrase ‘occupied territory’ in a speech about the latest peace efforts. He has never used that phrase before, is he giving in to the demands of the Palestinians? Probably not. The greater likelihood is that he knows that the Arab people are incapable of keeping any part of any agreement, so theres nothing to lose by speaking words which imply conceding any part of Israel’s birthright to those who support the homicide bombing of innocent civilians on buses.
Hal Lindsey very succinctly summarized the reason why a Peace Treaty can’t happen (until Antichrist makes it happen ) …
“For the Arabs to recognize Israel’s right to exist on land once conquered for Allah is tantamount to saying the Koran is wrong…
On the Israeli side, recognizing Arab sovereignty over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is a tacit admission the Bible was somehow incorrect in its references to Jerusalem as both the City of God and the City of David. “
Monkey Pox from prairie dogs is spreading in the US? Too early to tell how serious this might be, but it sure is ugly.
More later…
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